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Sound Production

All sound effects within the animation are produced by my self.

Apart from one clip from

The clip was uploaded in 2014 with the comment: ' Feel free to use this sound how ever you need it. A little credit wouldn't hurt. Thank you and stay tuned for more improved sound effects. :)'

I have edited and distorted the clip so I'm not sure if credit is necessary, I will find out.

Sounds used in the final animation and how they were produced:

1. Background wind and creak - wind produced by gently blowing into my iPhone mic and the creak is a recording of my office chair:

2. Loud crash - Produced by harshly blowing into iphone mic:

3. Ocean breeze - clip from unedited:

4. More eerie ocean breeze- clip from edited:

5. Whipping wind - Produced by harshly blowing into iphone mic while whipping the phone side to side:

6. Heartbeat normal - Produced with my boyfriends throat and edited in rhythm:

7. Heartbeat medium - Produced with my boyfriends throat and edited in rhythm:

8. Heartbeat fast - Produced with my boyfriends throat and edited in rhythm:

9. Background wind - Produced by blowing into iphone mic:

10. Waves crashing - Produced by using symbols in Garage Band and distorting in premier:

11: Reversed speech 1 - Produced by recording myself saying 'find me find me find me, come to the window but do not look' and reversed distorted in premier:

12: Reversed speech 2 - Produced by recording myself saying 'I am a part of you, you can not ignore me, you are me, I am you, you are me' reversed and distorted in premier:

13. Reversed speech 3 - Produced by recording myself saying 'Here i am, feeling numb, I represent the person you must become' reversed and distorted in premier:


Maddie Branagan Authorship 80% Submission

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