I have my heart set on using this still of the hair gell mixing with the hand sanitiser as a poster:

I think it's so interesting to look at, it kind of reminds me of space but it also reminds me of the unconscious, just kind of endless layers of bubbles and patterns reaching out into the abyss.
So I started messing around in Photoshop, I've used the same fonts as the opening and closing credits.
First I decided to format it to a portrait instagram post size as this will be the main place that it's posted/promoted. When I flipped the image something interesting happened; the big gathering of tiny white bubbles and the opaque lines almost morphed into the shape of a brain, or at least it reminded me of one:

So i started messing around with some text:

Decided to stick to the fonts used in the opening and closing credits for the final:

Experimented with adding in some of the stills:
