Scene 8: Light emerges from the centre of darkness revealing the shadow self sitting down. Her callings are getting louder and louder, more intense, so are her body movements. More of a scary animal screeching coming out of her mouth, camera getting closer and closer.
So I've swapped the animal sounds for reversed speech, i think its a much strong choice due to reversed speech and the unconscious having a pre existing relationship within film.
Due to this I've strayed away from the idea of having her body twitching and instead played with her intensely getting closer in a calm way, first shot her sitting down while adjusting the light settings in Dragon Frame:
Then filmed my self talking, masked and resized my mouth to fit her face and reversed the clip. The original clip says: Here I am, feeling numb, I reflect the person you must become.
So throughout the animation there are hints or clues that this character is the main characters shadow self, such as:
-she first appears as his reflection, symbolising that she is a part of him.
-her head band is made from the same material as the main characters shirt.
-the words she speaks, things like we are the same, find me, i'm who you must become etc..
- wearing a straight jacket under a lace wrap to symbolise she is restrained from consciousness, consciousness being the web of lace wrapped around her.
edit for scene 8, have the voice become louder and more distorted as she gets closer, also have the heart beat getting faster and louder:
Final edit: Decided to just have her still, i feel the zoom in cheapens the shot a little: