Scene 7: Main character back at the ocean. The waves are getting bigger and bigger. Character falls in panic, tidal wave begins to emerge. Character closes his eyes, darkness.
Started experimenting with the wool again, trying to make a tidal wave.
Cut a strip of tinfoil and stuck the wool to it, then created a wire netting to sick on the back of the tinfoil so it could hold its structure when positioned upright:

started shooting some experiments in dragon frame:
Then experimented with editing in the original ocean scene:
experimented with dust and scratches effect:
experimented with adding the puppet in:
again played with dust and scratches effect:
More raw wave experiments:
I really liked the outcome of the ocean in Scene 3 - That was made by overlapping the same film, slightly out of sequence with difference mode on, I didn't try it for this scene a I thought overlapping out of sequence might damage the flow of the waves, but after experimenting for a while I thought I might as well see how it looked, this clip also contains some sound experimentation for the waves crashing which was made from re creating waves in my bath and then messing with pitch and distortion:
Now I'm stuck between the waves with difference overlay or without:
Right now I'm just over half way through the storyboard sequence with just under 2 weeks to go until deadline. I fear I wont have enough time to shoot how I imagined so I'm considering returning to the storyboard and tweaking it a little so I can be certain i will finish shooting with enough time to edit, review and reflect.
I'm hoping I can return to this project for unit X and maybe shoot the scenes how I originally imagined them, but for now I think it's a smart move to adapt the storyline so I can finish in time.
I'm thinking to not have the character fall back in fear of the waves and instead have the scene 6 to 7 to 8 sequence something like this:
The main character will still close his eyes at the end of the sequence, darkness will follow and then scene 8 and 9 can remain the same; flickering between all 3 dream symbols until it returns to the main characters face with his eyes closed. Then he'll open them again, be back in front of the waves but this time with his arms out to welcome it, tidal wave will crash over his body and then darkness. So i'll also be cutting out him trying to run away from the wave.
At one point i was toying with the idea of having the character literally watching the ocean waves as a projection within his mind:
new wave sequence:
experimenting with effects:
shot the puppet close up closing and opening his eyes:
final scene 7, created the sound for the waves crashing by using symbols in garage band and distorting the pitch: