Scene 4 - Close up of main characters face encased in darkness again. Slowly zoom out to reveal women's torsos hung on the wall. Main character walks towards one, reaches out to touch it - as he's about to the whole scene changes: his hand is reached out touching a mirror instead.
Started off by making the torsos for this scene.
After chatting to Eleanor I thought it would suit the message of the piece more if there were also mens toros hung up. It comes off a little sexual otherwise.
The models were sculpted out of polymer clay:

Whilst making the torsos I realised that the whole scene would work better if the torsos were suspended around him rather than hung on the walls, so with limited materials I made a cardboard frame and suspended the torsos with string and wire:

Started shooting in dragon frame, I used black string so the torsos would almost look like they're floating. Played with the lighting while shooting:
I like the theory that we actually dream in a series of pictures, only adding a narrative that makes sense to us when we return to consciousness and recall them.
Based on this idea, instead of having the puppet walk over to the torso I decided to shoot 4 separate positions of the puppet looking at each torso with the idea to create a sequence of dramatic images when edited together:

Edited them together and added sound in premier:
Want a close up shot of a torso with his hand reaching out to touch it.
Think this should be a male torso to amplify that it represents his desire to understand the workings of his mind below the level of consciousness:

want the scene to change and show him touching a mirror when he makes contact with the torso, rough version:
bought a little doll house mirror for this scene, messing around with possible positions:

light flickering with reflection:
transition from torso to mirror:
Final sequence 3-4:
Decided to add a heartbeat to the audio once the close up of the torso is introduced I figure the pace of it will help create intensity throughout the rest of the animation.