Scene 3 - Lighting suddenly changes from light to dark. Zoom out from face to show ocean. Close up of water getting choppier and choppier.
Started building up the ocean background view for the end of the transition from darkness. This wont scene wont be viewed for long but will be returned to for future transitions.
Development in pictures:

Played around with a possible transition from scene 2 to 3:
Scene 1 2 & 3 mock:
Returned to developing the set:

Decided to use small stones for the ground:

made a shoe out of polymer clay:

decided I preferred a minimalistic version:

painted them black:

returned to set design:
Changed the background and added a second pineapple., playing with arrangements:

Added a third:

Playing with lighting:

Decided to try and create some sort of cloud/sky effect in after effects:
Quite like this, looks like fog:
bit more subtle:
Really like this one, its not what I set out to do but it reminds me of brain electricity/waves which suits the idea that this is taking place inside the mind of the main character:
Scene 3 involves close up shots of the ocean.
Heres the wool I''ll be using to create the ocean:

Took my initial experimentation of the ocean made out of wool into premier, overlapped it with the same clip slightly out of sequence and used the 'difference' overlay, really happy with the results, pretty ocean like, the movements really rough but I'm happy that this method of overlapping will work for the final:
Changed the scale of the overlapping layers and experimented with adding the puppet in the background to amplify that the ocean represents his unconscious:
Mock scene 1 - 2 -3 so far (with out after effects experimentation):
Not sure on the transitions between 2 to 3 and the transition into the ocean isnt right but it's getting closer:
Again really like the idea of adding this kind of brain electricity effect over the ocean to amplify that it represents the unconscious:
Decided to remove the painted background in the beach set and leave it black, i think the cloud and brain electricity effects work better this way:
more effective version:
larger ocean:
possible ocean sequence:
New shoot for scene 3:
After editing, scene 2 to 3:
New and final sequence 2-3:
I really like the visual contrast of trying to make something thats wet out of dry material, reminds me of something that could actually happen in a dream.