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Scene 10 development and edits

Scene 10: His eyes open. He's on the floor looking up at the emerging tidal wave, he scrambles to his feet and begins to run away. After a few paces he suddenly stops. His face changes from panic to peaceful. He turns to face the wave, puts his arms out and lets the wave crash over him, darkness.

Still cutting out the falling and running away part, which i would like to attempt to add in when touching up this project for film submissions in Unit X.

Instead I'm having the character already facing the wave with his arms out after the flickering of dream symbols, as his eyes open to show he's back in front of the wave his heart beat calms down, symbolising his acceptance to let the wave cash over him.

The overall message/idea behind the animation is that dreams contain symbols that can help us understand our subconscious drives and desires, this scene of the animation is supposed to symbolise to the dreamer that he should not be afraid or running away from the desire to understand his inner drives (dismembered torso symbol) or the shadow parts of himself (shadow self dream symbol), once he opens his eyes at the beginning of this scene theres a moment of clarity, of acceptance; his heart beat settles and he lets the wave crash over him, his spiritual self is aligning with his actual self.

Final edit:


Maddie Branagan Authorship 80% Submission

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