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Opening Scene Development

Made a bed out of lollipop sticks and cut up an old pillow case for the quilt and pillows:

Didn't like how the circles from the cotton pads came out so decided to line it with tinfoil, again allows the material to hold the position its put in:

Happy with the bed aesthetic, added eye lids to the main character:

Closed eyes:

Decided to paint the bags under his eyes black:

Started to develop the mare out of polymer clay:

Wasn't happy with the side view, developed it further:

wanted the smile to be creepier:

A few more adjustments and I was happy:

Added a body:

Started playing around with possible placements of the mare:

Happy with the bed, mare and main character, started to play with lighting:

Started to shoot some sleeping movements:

Played around with some flickering light:


Maddie Branagan Authorship 80% Submission

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