The title I've decided on for the film is 'Unconscious Projections' I'm fairly happy with the choice, i feel like it provides adequate context for the film and has a nice ring to it.
I was speaking to Kevin about a possible title name and he suggested looking back on my research to see if anything stands out. Doing this sparked an idea to open the film with a quote from either Freud or Jung which would again provide the viewer some context.
It was really nice to look back on my preliminary research and see how my initial ideas had developed. I started heavily influenced by Freuds research on dreams and the unconscious; that dreams were wish fulfilment in disguise, working from repressed memories, but looking back it became clear that by the end of the project it was in fact Jungs research that was inspiring my ideas.
It was his perception of the shadow self that stood out to me within my research, and his idea of collective symbols shared within the unconscious of humanity as a whole, such as the tidal wave symbol representing an unsettled unconscious and the dismembered torso symbol representing a desire to understand the processes of the mind below the level of consciousness. It was realising this that reminded me of the main difference between Freud and Jung's approaches to dreams; Freud believed they came in surreal formats because they concealed information that wished to be hidden from consciousness, whereas Jung believed that they were openly expressing something that our conscious couldn't yet understand.
This led me to the prefect quote:
'The symbol in the dream has more the value of a parable: it does not conceal, it teaches.'
- Carl Gustav Jung (1981). 'The collected works of C.G. Jung: Structure and dynamics of the psyche'
I also believe that a warning is necessary before the film begins, there are a lot of flickering lights and sudden increases in volume that can be quite distressing to the standard viewer, never mind someone who is already sensitive to light and sound.
I've decided on:
Warning: The following film contains flashing images and sudden fluctuations in volume. Viewer discretion is advised.
I also wanted the film to begin with the same image that it ends on, which is the main character waking up in bed:

So I had this idea to lay a roll of black paper on the floor, with the puppet in bed at the very end, and manually pan the camera down the paper to reveal him asleep:
While filming this I envisioned the film title appearing and then slowing fading out as the bed is revealed.
I also really like the idea of using the hair gell/sanitiser shots as a backdrop for the opening title, theres a specific still that I have in mind for the film poster so i think it could work well here as well.
I've chosen 2 specific free fonts to use for the Headings and body of the opening sequence and ending credits. I think their aesthetic suits the theme of the project well:
Chinese Rocks:
League Gothic (regular):
possible opening scene:
As everything for the film (bar one clip of sound) was produced by me I was a little stuck on how to structure the ending credits.
Should it be:
Written, directed, Animated and Produced by Maddie Branagan
or is that underselling all of the work I've put into this film?
Should it be:
Written by: Maddie Branagan
Produced by: Maddie Branagan
Directed by: Maddie Branagan
Animated by: Maddie Branagan
Sound Design by: Maddie Branagan
Puppet Design by: Maddie Branagan
Set Design by: Maddie Branagan
Prop Design by: Maddie Branagan
Additional Sound (Calm ocean breeze simulation) by: Allan K Zepeda Sounds
or is that too repetitive and even big headed?
It's a difficult choice, but I 100% want to add a special thanks to everyone who shared their dreams with me and allowed me to analyse them for the purpose of this film.
Heres what I have for the ending credits so far:
Went for this in the end: